Unit 4 Time to Reflect

1. Tell why you think it is important to be able to divide numbers. For what kind of problems do you need to use division?

Dividing is important because When we need to group things we need to know how to divide them into groups. And we need to do division when we need to figure out how to divide each person with the right amount of things.

2. Tell what part of this unit was the most difficult for you and why. Describe what you did to overcome any difficulties you had.

The most difficult thing in the division unit for me was figuring out what to do with the remainder because when it asks me if you turn the remainder into a decimal or a fraction or ignore it or round it I have a hard time deciding. It is also hard when you have to make the remainder into a decimal or a fraction.

The Parable Of The Sower

The Parable Of The Sower

Jesus went to the lake and got onto a boat. Then a big crowd circled around the lake shore. Then Jesus started talking in parables to the people: A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate them up. Some fell on rocky places where it didn't have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched and they withered because they had no root. Another seed fell among thorns, which grew up and chocked the plants. Still another seed fell among good soil where it produced a crop.

Then Jesus explains the sower meanings: the seed who fell on the path hears the message and doesn't understand it, the evil snatches away what was sown. The seed who fell along the rocky places hears the word, and at once received it with joy. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. The seed who falls among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of his life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. The seed who fell on good soil is the man who hears it and understands it.

The people who were listening around Jesus learned that everyone should be the seed that fell in good soil because it is important to hear what the message is and understand it so you could do something about it and your life would be an easy and happy life. Now the people will know that listening and understanding is a good thing.

Writing Reflection

1. What do I notice about myself as a writer as I read through my work?

I have noticed that I have been doing a lot of describing because I really

want the reader to have a movie in their mind while reading.

2. How have I changed as a writer so far?

I think I have changed so much because I feel

like my writing has gone more and more stronger and

more interesting. Mostly my personal narratives are the strongest

because I have the more fun in it.

3. What are three things I do well as a writer?

I do well in description, details and making my story

interesting for the reader. Sometimes when I want to make it

interesting, I put funny description in my story that way the

reader will want to read on and on even if just making the story have more

description would work even more.

4. What are some things I want to get stronger at as a writer?

I think I should work on adding less "Is" in my stories. It is also

a big challenge to me. I think I should work on not repeating the same

word over and over again like the word and. It would just make the story


5. What is my favorite piece, and what are the things I love about it?

My favorite piece I wrote is called Bunk Bed Drop. This is my favorite

piece because It has the most fun in it and the funniest and the most

description. This is one example from this piece: I was shivering so much like I

was in the middle of the North Pole waring a swim suit.

Math game

Factor Captor:

I liked playing this game because it helps me learn new factors I knew nothing about. I also like it because It helps me learn even bigger number's factors. This game is really fun and you get to learn the really easy big number's factors and that will help win and get bigger and better points. An array can help others find the factors of each number because an excample is if you draw 2 rows and each row has 8 dots, than you know that 8 can be divided by 2. If you need to know is 12 divisable by 3, than all you do is try to draw a array with 3 rows and see how many dots in each row and see if it equals to 12. I think I liked doing the fact triangles were you find their fact family. I liked this activity the most because it really helps me with multiplucation, division, addition and subtraction. It is also really fun for me because you get really fast in writing their family's and so it helps you with all the things.

My way of learning


My favorite subject in school is math because it helps me get to know how to do things in the world. It also helps me with my learning. Math is fun in three ways, games, learning and all the things we learn in math like fractions, multiplication, division and all those units. Math's games I think are very creative in ways like multiplication baseball and bingo. These are all real games people play in real life that are not math and its fun because they are the games I play and I like and so it helps me with my learning.

I think my best subject in school is writing because at home I like writing a lot about somethings that I want to remember. I also bring a writing journal to vacations and summers to write about something new or something I have wanted to see in my whole life. I like writing fiction stories because you get to make up you own story and no one else is telling you want I should write or it is not something I had happen in my life. I just make it up myself.